Available now: 2023 collection

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2023. Navigating the realm of words is an enigma, wrapped in layers of complexity and simplicity. Writing, in its essence, is a blend of agony and ecstasy. It oscillates between being an arduous and a delightful journey. At times, it’s a solitary quest, while at others, it’s a shared adventure.
The act of writing is more than assembling words on a page. It demands courage – a readiness to face scrutiny and vulnerability.
The collective, that forms Writers Anonymous, embraces this challenge time and again. My group has changed over the years, because they are mortal, yet at its core, the spirit, and determination, has remained unaltered.
To conclude this foreword, my praise goes to the minds who keep the essence of Writers Anonymous alive, for you, our readers, and to the enigmatic craft of writing, which, in its perplexing nature, remains both a challenge and a delight. And keeps me in a job. In the end, it is always worth the journey, and I present the most recent works by the Writers Anonymous authors, that make up this collection.