Available now: 2014 – 2015 collections

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2015. This book is dedicated to a member of Writers Anonymous, Colin Butler, who sadly passed away in 2015, after this book was conceived but before its publication. Contained within these pages are various poetic contributions by Colin, and thoughts of him continue to be with us, as will other works of his, which will appear in the future.
To misquote somebody else; those who have passed on will never be forgotten as long as they live on the lips of the living.
We shall keep you alive, Colin.


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2015. If you are short of time then this collection of short stories will sustain you no longer than your coffee break.







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2014. Over a year has past since my last collection of darkness was brought to your attention.
And now, with dank chills running through the putrescent molluscs of my desiccated heart, I bring you my latest tome – Grave Matters – a masterpiece of pure malice for you to feast your eyes upon and duly wither at the darkest thoughts and mindscapes conveyed within.




2018 – 2020 collections — 2012 – 2013 collections