Sandra Maynard

Sandra Maynard, a devoted family woman and passionate writer, always placed her loved ones at the forefront of her life. However, it was her creative writing module as part of her Open University degree that ignited her true passion for storytelling. With an affinity for the dark and macabre, Sandra excelled in crafting tales that left readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the unexpected twists that awaited them.

Although Sandra has since passed on, her legacy lives on through her posthumous anthology titled “Don’t Stop Me Now”. This compilation showcases the depth of Sandra’s imagination and her ability to weave haunting narratives that linger in the mind long after the last page is turned. Each story within the anthology carries her signature touch, blending elements of suspense, horror, and psychological intrigue to create an unforgettable reading experience.

Don’t Stop Me Now” on Amazon

Despite her untimely departure, Sandra’s commitment to her craft shines through in every word. Her love for her family and her passion for writing are intricately woven into the fabric of her work, creating a lasting testament to her creative spirit.

“Don’t Stop Me Now” stands as a testament to Sandra Maynard’s talent and dedication, providing readers with a glimpse into the depths of her imagination. As readers delve into her macabre worlds, they are reminded of Sandra’s unwavering love for her family and her unyielding desire to leave a lasting impact through her words.